
Post-Workout Nutrition

December 8, 2020

Post Workout Nutrition
I'm brandi!

I'm a, passionate about helping others find purpose, inspiration and hope in the midst of their health journeys.


If you’d like to maximize the benefits of your workout, then this Post-Workout Nutrition guide is for you.

Oftentimes, we think about how to fuel our bodies BEFORE a workout, but have you thought about how nutrition can fuel your body AFTER a workout? Consuming nutrients after you exercise is SO important. We need to supply the body with the right nutrients to maximize the benefits of our workout. Do you spend hours every week exercising and feel like you don’t see any results from your hard work? It may mean that you are not fueling your body with the right nutrients and minerals AFTER your workout.

It’s important to understand how exercise effects the body during exercise so that we can properly take care of it.

When we work out, our muscles use up their glycogen stores for fuel which results in our muscles being depleted of glycogen. Proteins are also damaged and need repair.

REPAIRING and REBUILDING by nourishing our bodies with macronutrients and electrolytes will provide our bodies with the energy we need to function properly.


Macronutrients consist of CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS and FATS.

CARBOHYDRATES help replenish the glycogen stores that are used for fat during exercise. Healthy carbohydrates are found in sweet potatoes, quinoa, bananas, apples, berries, chia seeds and almonds.

PROTEINS give the body the amino acids it needs to repair proteins and build new muscle tissue. Salmon, chicken, plant-based protein powder, chia, hemp and flax seeds, beans and lentils are great sources of protein.

HEALTHY FATS will help the body absorb  important nutrients. The best sources of healthy fats are avocado, chia and flax seeds, almonds, nut butters, cashews and my FAVE, dark chocolate.

How do we nourish our bodies after a workout with Post-Workout Nutrition?

  1. REPAIR: Eat carbs, proteins and healthy fats within 45 minutes after a workout to optimize glycogen synthesis.
  2. REBUILD: Apply the 3:1 rule. Try consuming in a ratio 3:1 (carbs to protein)
  3. REPLENISH: Hydrate and help your body produce energy with foods and beverages containing electrolytes.

What can we eat/drink after a workout?

  1. SMOOTHIES: This is the easiest way to add your carbs, proteins, healthy fats and electrolytes into one drink!
  2. SALADS: Use dark, leafy greens such as kale or spinach that are high in nutritional value and add in a good source of protein such as almonds, salmon or beans.
  3. PROTEIN BARS/FRUITS& NUTS/RICE CAKES: If you prefer a lighter snack, try brown rice cakes with bananas and nut butter, or make your own protein bars of protein energy bars.

Post-Workout Nutrition Guide

If you would like to download my Post-Workout Nutrition Guide for recipes and on-the-go options, you can do that HERE.

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After years of struggling with and recovering from a debilitating illness, I have become passionate about helping others find purpose, inspiration and hope in the midst of their own health journeys. I have found that nutrition, clean eating, meditation and lifestyle shifts have had a profound impact on my health and I would love to help you find sustainable practices that will enhance your health and wellbeing as well! 

I’m Brandi and I’m ready to walk on this healing journey with you.


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